
We raise a small heard of pigs annually. Our heard consists of Tamworth, Berkshire, and Duroc/Yorkshire pigs which are raised 100% on a rotating pasture and forest system and are fed organic grain, grown on a neighbour’s farm.

We raise our animals with care and our customers tell us they can taste the difference.

If you have any questions about our pigs, please ask! We love to talk about our farming practices.

 Please see our full price list below and click here to place an order.


Please note that we are taking a break from raising pigs in 2023-24.

Pork delivery subscription:

What you get:

A mixed box of our organic-fed pasture-raised pork delivered to your door (Peterborough/Lakefield/Bridgenorth/Buckhorn only, farm pick up available too) every 6 weeks from Sept-Jan. You will receive bacon and sausages in every package, along with a variety of changing cuts. In addition to the convenience and excitement of receiving a special package of premium meat delivered to your door, you are investing in our farm, and in a local food system. Committing in advance to this purchase allows us to pay our bills and to know that there is a market to support the work we are  doing. For this, we are incredibly grateful. ❤️ Your necessary freezer space allotment is small thanks to the regular delivery schedule, and subscription boxes get priority on all of the most popular cuts, so you get a variety of all the best.

What it costs (note: prices currently shown are for 2020 and are subject to change):
. $330 total, with an initial deposit of $180 to hold your spot, and the remainder due by  October 21, 2020. if you have any questions, please email us at the14thlinefarm@gmail.com

Note that spots are limited, and will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis, and that deposit is non-refundable and may only be redeemed in meat purchase.

Whole/half hog custom-butchered: $6.99/lb

Ordering in bulk means that you get to choose the way your meat is butchered (what cuts you get) and fill your freezer with local, organic-fed, pasture-raised meat. Expected hanging weight is roughly 150lbs. We can help you navigate a cut sheet, if you are intimidated by planning your cuts.

The price is based on hanging weight, which is the weight of the gutted carcass with head and feet. Our target hanging weight is roughly 150lbs. The remainder after your deposit is calculated after butchering, using the hanging weight x $6.99, and any additional costs for (optional) smoking $1.70/lb and sausage $2.20/lb. 

Everything comes wrapped in butcher freezer paper, and bacon is vac-sealed.

This method of purchase is ideal for adventurous DIYers who want to render their own lard, make bone broth, and plan meals around their custom cuts.

You will pick up your order directly from our butcher in Norwood, unless prior arrangements are made through us.

The deposit for a whole hog is $500, and $250 for a half.

Pre-ordered Roasts: $30 deposit each (remainder to be paid upon pick-up)

As our roasts often sell-out before big holiday meals, you have the option to avoid disappointment by pre-ordering a delicious roast in preparation for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or any other special family meal.

Smoked Ham, bone-in $ 10/lb

Smoked Ham, boneless $ 11/lb

Uncured Ham $ 8/lb

French Loin Roast (aka rib roast) $11/lb

Butt Roast $ 8/lb

Shoulder Roast $ 8/lb

Please send us an email to the14thlinefarm@gmail.com with your requests, including preferred roast weight (2-3lb, 3-4lb or 4-5 lb), once we confirm availability, deposits can be paid via e-transfer.

Please note that all deposits are non-refundable.